Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,876 lines
Directory Opus 4
Original GPL release version 4.12
Copyright 1993-2000 Jonathan Potter
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
All users of Directory Opus 4 (including versions distributed
under the GPL) are entitled to upgrade to the latest version of
Directory Opus version 5 at a reduced price. Please see
http://www.gpsoft.com.au for more information.
The release of Directory Opus 4 under the GPL in NO WAY affects
the existing commercial status of Directory Opus 5.
#include "config.h"
#include "dopusiff.h"
char **cfg_string;
struct DefaultString
"Do you really want to discard the\ncurrent configuration settings?"},
"Do you really want to exit without\nsaving the current configuration settings?"},
"Configuration main screen"},
"Operation configuration screen"},
"Menu configuration screen"},
"Drive button configuration screen"},
"Filetype configuration screen"},
"Screen configuration screen"},
"System configuration screen"},
"Global hotkeys configuration screen"},
"Main Menu"},
"Left mouse button"},
"Right mouse button"},
"Available display items..."},
"Selected display items..."},
"Displayed lengths..."},
"( Check indicates sort item)"},
"Entry separation..."},
"Uniconify/activate hotkey"},
"Project's Default Tool..."},
"Select the desired file"},
"Select the desired directory"},
"Select the desired font and size"},
"New button banks appended to existing ones."},
"Default button banks appended to existing ones."},
"There are no button banks configured!"},
"Button deleted."},
"Select the button position to copy the original button to."},
"Select the button to swap with the first button."},
"Select a button to copy."},
"Select the first button to swap."},
"Button edit screen"},
"Enter bank number to copy this bank to.\n"
"If this bank does not exist a new bank will be created."},
"Selected bank already exists! Do you really\n"
"want to overwrite this bank?"},
"Button bank copied."},
"Enter bank number to swap this bank with."},
"Selected button bank does not exist."},
"Button banks swapped."},
"This is the only button bank configured!\n"
"Do you really want to delete this button bank?"},
"Do you really want to delete this button bank?"},
"Button bank deleted."},
"Select a button to delete."},
"Button bank number"},
"Button configuration screen - no banks configured"},
"Unable to allocate memory for new bank!"},
"New button bank created."},
"New menus loaded."},
"Default menus loaded."},
"Enter menu title."},
"Menu item deleted."},
"Menu item inserted."},
"Do you really want to delete this menu?"},
"Menu deleted."},
"Menu sorted."},
"Select an item in the menu to the copy original menu to."},
"Select an item in the menu to swap with the first."},
"Select item position to copy the original menu item to."},
"Select menu item to swap with the first item."},
"Menu item edit screen"},
"Select an item in the menu to copy."},
"Select an item in the first menu to swap."},
"Select an item in the menu to delete."},
"Select an item in the menu to sort."},
"Select the menu item to insert the new item BEFORE."},
"Select a menu item to copy."},
"Select the first menu item to swap."},
"Select a menu item to delete."},
"Shortcut _key"},
"List of available functions..."},
"List of available commands..."},
"Drop a tool here!"},
"New drive banks loaded."},
"Default drive banks reset."},
"Drive button deleted."},
"Select the drive position to copy the original drive button to."},
"Select the drive button to swap with the first button."},
"Select a drive button in the bank to copy the original bank to."},
"Select a drive button in the bank to swap with the first bank."},
"Do you really want to delete this drive bank?"},
"System devices listed."},
"Select a drive button in the bank to copy."},
"Select a drive button in the first bank to swap."},
"Select a drive button in the bank to delete."},
"Select a drive button in the bank to sort."},
"Select a drive button to copy."},
"Select the first drive button to swap."},
"Select a drive button to delete."},
"New filetypes merged with existing ones."},
"Default filetypes merged with existing ones."},
"Do you really want to delete this class?"},
"File class deleted."},
"Select the class file to load"},
"Enter a name to save the file classes"},
"Select file classes to import"},
"Do you really wish to erase all file classes?"},
"Do you really wish to exit this section without\nsaving changes made to the file classes?"},
"That file class already has an action defined\nfor it. Do you wish to continue?"},
"The default action can not be moved."},
"Class actions swapped."},
"Select the first action to swap."},
"Select the second action to swap with the first."},
"Select an action to delete."},
"Do you really want to delete this action?"},
"Action deleted."},
"Filetype class"},
"Edit class"},
"File class edit screen"},
"Open failed - DOS error code %ld\nTry again?"},
"Save failed - DOS error code %ld\nTry again?"},
"List of file identification commands..."},
"File not found!"},
"Display mode description..."},
"Display item..."},
"Adjust size..."},
"Use middle mouse button"},
"Minimum size"},
"Maximum size"},
"Default size"},
"Maximum colors"},
"Loading font..."},
"Font could not be loaded!"},
"Enter configuration filename"},
"Select configuration file to load"},
"File is not a valid configuration file!\nTry again?"},
"Select menus to import"},
"Select filetypes to import"},
"Select hotkeys to import"},
"Select function to paste"},
"New hotkeys merged with existing ones."},
"Default hotkeys merged with existing ones."},
"Select hotkey to delete."},
"Select hotkey to duplicate."},
"Do you really want to delete this hotkey?"},
"Hotkey deleted."},
"Hotkey edit screen"},
"New bank"},
"Insert bank"},
"Next bank"},
"Prev bank"},
"Clear last"},
"Save As..."},
"No buttons"},
"One row"},
"Two rows"},
"Three rows"},
"Six rows"},
"Button rows"},
"Define an action for class..."},
"Select class to edit..."},
"Select class to delete..."},
"Select class to duplicate..."},
"Custom buttons"},
"Custom menus"},
"Disk names"},
"Directory window"},
"General (8 point)"},
"Iconify to buttons"},
"Path names"},
"Screen font"},
"Status bar"},
"Text viewer"},
"AddIcon's icons..."},
"File name"},
"File size"},
"Protection bits"},
"Creation date"},
"File comment"},
"File type"},
"Net protection bits"},
" Drawer icon"},
" Default Tool icon"},
" Default Project icon"},
"Date format"},
"Error check"},
"List format"},
"Show pattern"},
"View & Play"},
"Copy bank"},
"Swap bank"},
"Delete bank"},
"Copy button"},
"Swap button"},
"Del. button"},
"Auto iconify"},
"CD destination"},
"CD source"},
"Directory Opus to front"},
"Do all files"},
"Include DOpus-Startup"},
"Include Shell-Startup"},
"No filename quote"},
"Output to file"},
"Output window"},
"Recursive directories"},
"Reload each file"},
"Rescan destination"},
"Rescan source"},
"Run asynchronously"},
"Workbench to front"},
"New entry"},
"_Stack size"},
"_Close delay"},
"_Event description"},
"_File class"},
"Class _ID"},
"File _viewer"},
"Copy menu"},
"Swap menu"},
"Delete menu"},
"Sort menu"},
"Insert item"},
"Copy item"},
"Swap item"},
"Delete item"},
"Get drives"},
"Sort bank"},
"Copy drive"},
"Swap drive"},
"Delete drive"},
"New hotkey"},
"Screen mode"},
"Status bar"},
"Selected disk name"},
"Unselected disk name"},
"Selected directory"},
"Unselected directory"},
"Selected file"},
"Unselected file"},
"Tiny buttons"},
"Clock/memory bar"},
"Requester text"},
"3D boxes"},
"Path name"},
"Selected path name"},
"Use default"},
"Half-height screen"},
"Format of the list in the"},
"File name"},
"File comment"},
"Reverse sorting"},
"Arrows on the inside"},
"Arrows on the outside"},
"One arrow at each end of the button"},
"Scroll up/down"},
"Scroll left/right"},
"Buffer previous/next"},
"Misc. flags..."},
"When copying files and directories..."},
"Check destination's free space before starting"},
"Set archive bit of source after finishing"},
"Also copy source's..."},
"protection bits"},
"What to do when a file already exists..."},
"Always replace files"},
"Never replace files"},
"Replace only older files"},
"Ask before replacing"},
"Date format..."},
"DD-MMM-YY (22-Sep-92)"},
"YY-MM-DD (92-09-22)"},
"MM-DD-YY (09-22-92)"},
"DD-MM-YY (22-09-92)"},
"Name substitution (Today, Tomorrow, etc)"},
"12 hour clock"},
"Ask before..."},
"Commencing delete"},
"Deleting files"},
"Deleting non-empty directories"},
"Ignore the delete protection bit"},
"DOS requesters"},
"Opus error requesters"},
"Click-M-Click drag"},
"Display info"},
"File double-click"},
"Window slider activate"},
"Create icon with directories"},
"Perform all actions on icons as well"},
"Select icons automatically"},
"Progress indicator..."},
"Operation progress indicator"},
"Current file progress indicator (Copy)"},
"When processing files..."},
"Left-justify filename in status bar"},
"Scroll directory window to follow operations"},
"Update free disk space"},
"Directory refresh using StartNotify()"},
"Redraw more than a quarter of a page"},
"Running AmigaDOS applications..."},
"Startup script"},
"Clock/memory bar..."},
"Memory monitor"},
"CPU monitor"},
"When iconified..."},
"No window"},
"An AppIcon"},
"Show free space as..."},
"Bytes free"},
"Kilo/Megabytes free"},
"Text format..."},
"CHIP: and FAST:"},
"C: and F:"},
"Directory caches..."},
"Buffers per window"},
"Always move to an empty buffer"},
"Re-read changed buffers"},
"Search buffers on..."},
"Parent/Root operation"},
"Double-click/Click-m-click directory read"},
"Auto diskchange"},
"Auto disk load"},
"Expand pathnames"},
"Use ExAll()"},
"Blocks free"},
"Percentage of space free"},
"Directory list pattern..."},
"Hide files with hidden bit set"},
"Directories to read on startup..."},
"ARexx scripts to execute on..."},
"Picture/animation viewer (IFF ILBM/ANIM)..."},
"Black background between pictures"},
"Start animation paused"},
"8-bits per gun color"},
"Pick best screen-mode"},
"Show delay"},
"Fade delay"},
"Sound player (IFF 8SVX)..."},
"Turn audio filter off for play"},
"Loop on double-click"},
"Text viewer..."},
"Text viewer borders"},
"Tab size"},
"Bottom-right tiny buttons"},
"Button banks sliders"},
"Custom screen window borders"},
"Display status text in title bar"},
"Draggable requesters"},
"Indicate button has RMB function"},
"New-look menus"},
"New-look sliders"},
"Defined filetype actions..."},
"Global hotkeys defined..."},
"Display mode..."},
"Left window"},
"Right window"},
"Mix files/directories"},
"Directories first"},
"Files first"},
"About - Display program info"},
"AddIcon - Add icons to entries"},
"Alarm - Sound an alarm"},
"All - Select all entries"},
"AnsiRead - ANSI text viewer"},
"ARexx - Run an ARexx command"},
"Assign - Assign logical devices"},
"Beep - Sound a beep"},
"BufferList - List buffered directories"},
"ButtonIconify - Iconify to button strip"},
"CD - Change current directory"},
"CheckFit - Check if entries will fit"},
"ClearBuffers - Clear buffered dirs"},
"ClearSizes - Remove dir byte counts"},
"ClearWin - Clear the current window"},
"Clone - Clone selected entries"},
"Comment - Give filenotes to entries"},
"Configure - Launch config editor"},
"ContST - Restart paused ST module"},
"Copy - Copy selected entries"},
"CopyAs - Copy with new names"},
"CopyWindow - Copy one window to other"},
"DateStamp - Modify file datestamps"},
"Defaults - Set default configuration"},
"Delete - Delete selected entries"},
"DirTree - Create directory tree"},
"Diskcopy - Copy floppy disks"},
"DiskcopyBG - Diskcopy in background"},
"DiskInfo - Display info on a disk"},
"DisplayDir - Update directory display"},
"DopusToBack - Move screen to the back"},
"DopusToFront - Move screen to the front"},
"Encrypt - Encrypt selected files"},
"ErrorHelp - Help with DOS errors"},
"Execute - Execute batch files"},
"FinishSection - Finish above commands"},
"Format - Format floppy disks"},
"FormatBG - Format in background"},
"GetDevices - Display device list"},
"GetSizes - Calculate total dir sizes"},
"Help - Turn help mode on or off"},
"HexRead - Hexadecimal text viewer"},
"Hunt - Search for filenames"},
"Iconify - Iconify program"},
"IconInfo - Give information on icons"},
"Install - Make disks bootable"},
"InstallBG - Install in background"},
"LastSaved - Read last-saved config"},
"LoadConfig - Load nominated config"},
"LoadStrings - Load a new string file"},
"LoopPlay - Loop-play sound files"},
"Makedir - Create a new directory"},
"Modify - Change configuration"},
"Move - Move selected entries"},
"MoveAs - Move with new names"},
"NewCLI - Open a new CLI window"},
"None - Deselect all entries"},
"Notify - Notification requester"},
"OtherWindow - Activate other window"},
"Parent - Read parent directory"},
"ParentList - List parent directories"},
"Play - Play selected sound files"},
"PlayST - Play ST modules only"},
"Print - Print selected files"},
"PrintDir - Print displayed directory"},
"Protect - Modify protection bits"},
"Quit - Quit Directory Opus"},
"Read - Plain text viewer"},
"Redraw - Redraw main screen"},
"Relabel - Change disk names"},
"Remember - Remember config state"},
"Rename - Rename selected entries"},
"Rescan - Reload current directory"},
"Reselect - Reselect entries"},
"Restore - Restore remembered cfg."},
"Root - Read root directory"},
"Run - Run a program"},
"SaveConfig - Save current config"},
"ScanDir - Load nominated directory"},
"Search - Search files for a string"},
"Select - Wildcard-select entries"},
"SetVar - Set an internal variable"},
"Show - Display graphic images"},
"SmartRead - Auto Hex or Text viewer"},
"StopST - Stop ST module playing"},
"SwapWindow - Swap contents of windows"},
"Toggle - Toggle all selections"},
"UnIconify - Un-iconify program"},
"User1 - Custom filetype action 1"},
"User2 - Custom filetype action 2"},
"User3 - Custom filetype action 3"},
"User4 - Custom filetype action 4"},
"Verify - Verify function"},
"Version - Display version numbers"},
"{d} - Destination directory name"},
"{f} - First selected entry (with path)"},
"{F} - All selected entries (with paths)"},
"{fu} - First entry (path ; no unselect)"},
"{Fu} - All entries (path ; no unselect)"},
"{o} - First selected entry (name only)"},
"{O} - All selected entries (names only)"},
"{ou} - First entry (name ; no unselect)"},
"{Ou} - All entries (name ; no unselect)"},
"{Q} - Query the value of something"},
"{Rd} - Directory requester"},
"{Rf} - File requester"},
"{RF} - Multi-select file requester"},
"{Ro} - Font requester"},
"{Rs} - String requester"},
"{s} - Source directory name"},
"{v} - Pre-defined variable"},
"And - start of another group"},
"Match - text or $hex"},
"MatchBits - HSPARWED with + and -"},
"MatchComment - text"},
"MatchDate - date string or range"},
"MatchName - filename"},
"MatchSize - value with >, < and ="},
"Move - byte offset from here"},
"MoveTo - absolute location"},
"Or - start of another group"},
"SearchFor - text or $hex"},
"Select hotkey to swap."},
"Select second hotkey to swap with first."},
"External support modules..."},
"( Check indicates a module to be pre-loaded)"},
"( Check indicates the language to use)"},
"Kilobytes free"},
"Cfg return"},
"Clear clips"},
"Really clear all clipped functions?"},
"Directory Opus default"},
"Workbench default"},
"Workbench current"},
"Paint mode"},
"Select paint colors"},
" (Paint mode active)"},
void read_strings()
char stringfile[80],buf[40];
if (((!config->language[0] ||
!(FindSystemFile(buf,stringfile,80,SYSFILE_DATA))) &&
if (!(ReadStringFile(&stringdata,stringfile))) quit();
char string_type[]="Config Opus Strings";
char *string_save="CO_%s.STR";